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Curbside Trash, Recycle, and Yard Waste Collection

Williams Charter Township is pleased to be partnered with GFL Environmental to provide your new waste services.

You will receive one 96-gallon trash cart and one 96-gallon recycling cart.
• Additional carts can be purchased for $75 each. For more information, please contact GFL customer service 989.753.7719.
• You will be regularly serviced on Tuesdays.
• Trash will be collected weekly.
• Recycling will be collected every other week. 
• Recycling includes all mixed paper, cardboard, aluminum, steel and tin cans, and plastics #1 and #2.
• Please do not put the following into the recycling cart: Electronic-waste, plastic or garbage bags, tanglers, hoses,
wires or chains, clothes or linens, food or liquid.
• Seasonal yard waste will be collected weekly from April through November. Please bag or bundle your yard waste
for collection, and place it next to your bins.
• Please note that all carts must be at the curb by 6am on collection day.
• If a holiday falls on the weekday before or on your normal service day, trash and recycling collection will be delayed
by one day. If the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, service will not be delayed.
• Observed holidays include: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,
and Christmas Day.

If you require further information or assistance, please feel free to contact GFL Environmental customer service at 989.753.7719 or Williams Township Office at 989.662.4241

GFL Services

To report problems or ask questions, please call GFL Customer Service