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Senior Dining Center

Be fashionable and join other residents 60+ who dine at the Williams Township Hall, 1080 W. Midland Rd. Auburn. It's the "in place" for friendly talk, a good cup of coffee or tea, card games, bingo, music, birthday parties, informative programs and a variety of noon meals. Anyone 60+, or the spouse of someone 60+ is welcome.

The tasty noon meals are catered by the Bay County Department on Aging. The only requirement is a phone call a day ahead so an accurate number of meals can be sent. Menus are published in the Bay City Times weekly. The latest menus are available here.  Call the dining center, at 989-662-6521 between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to make reservations or to inquire about the menu. The suggested donation for the noon meal is $2.75.

All resident 60+ are welcome regardless of one's ability to pay. Bay Metro is available to seniors who need transportation and the Senior Center is handicap accessible.



Call the Activity Center, at 662-6521 between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to make reservations or to inquire about the menu. The suggested donation for the noon meal is $2.50.


Thursday February 27th - 11:30am-12:15pm

Come make a tie pillow! Cost $6.00 (Please RSVP by Feb 13th)

Mondays and Wednesdays

Mexican Train Dominos - 10:00am

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Euchre - 10:00am

******All Events Subject to Change******



Hall Entrance [Click here to view full size picture]
Hall Entrance
Senior Center 1 [Click here to view full size picture]
Senior Center 1
Senior Center 2 [Click here to view full size picture]
Senior Center 2
Senior Center 3 [Click here to view full size picture]
Senior Center 3